Saturday, September 24, 2011

Organization... or the lack of!

I don't know about most of you but I have fallen off the organization bandwagon. I don't even know where to begin. I would like to think that I used to be this super organized freak. My husband could even vouch for this. However, after three kids, husband working 40+ hours a week, in grad school and now trying to get used to this whole taking a child to school thing, I have gone haywire!

Perhaps a lot of all this is that I cannot seem to remember where I put anything. I move it somewhere and then I can't remember. Or maybe I just have so much on my plate I can't figure out how to regroup my thoughts that everything is just jumbled up in my mind. Oh well! It's humorous to me.

So, I wanted to ask any or all of you how you do it. How do you stay organized and what works for you and your family? What do you use? How do you get hubby to remember basic, helpful things? (Putting things away in proper place so I don't have to waste my time picking up after him). How do you help/show your kids basic organization skills, responsibilities that are fun for them, and etc?

Just some thoughts on my mind lately! Any of your thoughts would be helpful!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Me... at my very most vulnerable point ever probably

I fought a battle and from time to time, I still do. It is a journey... a lifelong journey. I knew and know tons about many different forms of exercises. I've read books, looked at magazines and read many articles on the web about how I can get "six pack abs," or how to lose 10 lbs by Christmas.
But, I never believed in myself. I always sought approval from others. I was my own worst critic. I pretended and still do at times, to be confident and seem, from the outside, to have it all together. When, really... I was hurting and afraid. I would get angry and say belittling things to those whom I love (especially my husband A.J.), when instead, I was struggling badly on the inside. I was tired of this circle.
It's a battle waging on inside of me. I would let him know when I would be struggling. We would talk about it, pray about it, and things would get better for a little while. However, Satan knew how to get to the core of me. He would make me super non-motivated to work out-- then it would all arise. The cravings for lots of food. I would want to binge. I would want lots of food.
I would think, "well I can get over this hump. I don't need to talk about these feelings. I'll be fine this time." Then it just gets worse. I feel yucky and disgusting on the outside and mostly on the inside. My soul feels black and closed to the world.
I can put on a pretty good front for most people. However, those who REALLY know me- can get to the core of it. I just melt then. The pain comes seeping out. It hurts. It hurts most knowing I cause so much pain upon my husband and children. How can I do this all the time? It's a dirty little pattern and it's tearing us apart. That--that is what I hate.
I hate the pretending game. I hate appearing strong when in reality, I am weak. I continually keep hiding the real me inside for fear I will be rejected. I mean, who wants to be around a screwed up person?
If I recall my past year- I started training for a 5K and I was in shape! And, not intentionally losing weight this time. I was proud of myself for accomplishing this goal. To think- a year after I had my 3rd baby, I was running over 3 miles (I know this may be small for some of you, but it's huge for me) and weighing between 110 & 115, that was shocking to me. (That was smaller than I was when I got married).
I continued running through the summer. I quit nursing Layla, my youngest a couple weeks after the 5K. I quickly gained 10 pounds. That was the beginning of the waging war inside me. I tried working out hard. I still wasn't eating as good as I could have been. Food was always and constantly on my mind.
Fall came and my desire to workout became less. I HATE, or shall I say, I DESPISE cold weather. I use it as an excuse all the time. "It's too cold to go out." "It takes too much work to bundle up three kids with hats, gloves, coats, etc., let alone prepare myself mentally to venture out in the nasty cold weather to go work out for an hour and then go about the same long routine of getting the hats, gloves and coats back on the kids to return home."
That exhausts me even thinking about that. So- I just have too many silly excuses for the cold. I knew I was going home for Christmas. Since I was going to be seeing my friends for "Tea Time," I told myself I wanted to look good and fit.
Why? Why did I think that? There comes my needing approval situation again. I thought, "If they tell me I am looking good for having three kids, I will feel good." But we all know I still wouldn't feel good inside. I would probably say, "Oh thanks, but I still have a ton to work on."
Thus began my treacherous workout plan. I started up running again and working out hard. Sometimes even twice a day. I always felt good after a long, hard, strenuous workout.
I began cutting back on my portions as well as started eating much healthier food. It wasn't until I sat down with one of my friends and she said, "Veronica, you look terribly thin..." and a bit more, that I even started to consider that. I played it off by, "Oh, you know I am just fine." I mean why would I admit to myself that I had been intentionally trying to get thin and fit to seek the approval of my friends? She said, "Veronica, are you eating?" Well of course I am eating, I thought. So I said, "Yes, I am eating enough." She said, "You really know exactly what to say to get by. I have been there. I am concerned for you."
It didn't hit me hard until my husband started to notice and said, "Honey, you look really thin and I am very worried about you." Yet again, I shrugged it off... and said, "Oh stop honey, I am just fine." But, I had to talk to someone about it. I called my friend (the one whom I sat down with when home for Christmas). We talked for a long time and my true feelings came out.
I was reverting to my old habits. I was cutting my calories and was intentionally trying to lose weight. At that point, I think I weighed around 108. Which just a month before I had weighed around 123. I noticed this and prayed hard about it. I actually started eating more.
HOWEVER, the inevitable happened. I thought, well I controlled myself from going down the wrong road, so now I am doing great. I put some weight back on and didn't work out as often.
Unfortunately, thus came my excuse for not working out. The SNOW & COLD! It never seemed to go away. Nor did my excuses for not working out! I quit going for about a month.
My husband and I watched a documentary on food. We changed our whole eating habits. We both felt way better, had more energy and didn't feel so sluggish. Probably because we cut out tons of yucky (well they taste good, but are TERRIBLE for you) processed food, hydrogenated oils, excess amounts of sugar and really focus on 50% of our meals being at least raw foods.
I felt 100% better--well maybe 90% better if I can truly be honest with myself. I even told my husband that I wasn't even struggling with my self-image. While part of that may be true, if I was honestly being true to myself, I still had a lot of hurt deep down inside. It's been there for many, many years. I just never really dealt with it.
So, now that we cut tons of processed food out and other non-healthy food, I am here today... sharing my raw, honest, deep painful thoughts. The day before Lent, my husband and I sat down and were trying to figure out what we were going to give up for Lent. Now, we are not Catholic but we thought it would be a good sacrifice for us to focus more on God through this time.
As A.J., my husband declared that he would not get on Facebook for 40 days, I began to contemplate about what I would fast from. Then it became clear to me: the one thing I constantly struggle with and crave-- duh-- Sweets. Candy. Cake. Chocolate. Cupcakes. Cookies. Or any other dessert. What a no-brainer. Of course, that should have been my first thought. So, I started off strong. And about mid way through, I decided to make some cookies for my kids. I don't know what was going on in that brain of mine or what had been going on that week- but I had been craving everything and lots of it. Here was my first test... I caved in. I had [2] yes, 2 bowls of Cheerios for a snack. Yes, just for a snack. I felt disgusting after that. My old self would have gone and purged it. But... I knew I couldn't do that. (At least that doesn't have a hold on me anymore). However, I just can't seem to control those cravings sometimes.
Back to the cookies... I just couldn't get my cravings under control. Perhaps I was baking those cookies for me but telling myself they were for the kids. Unfortunately, I ate a cookie. I wish I could be stronger. Or perhaps I wish I knew how I could restrict calories for a while to make myself lose weight and then just a few months later, be stuck in a painful rut of bingeing. UGGGHHH!
Can I say that I truly hate this???? I hurt so much inside. I'm sooooo tired of trying to be the one in control. I've definitely been putting on a big show--acting like I'm super mom who can accomplish and do anything. When really, deep down inside, I'm just plain hurting. I cannot do this anymore. I know there's only one way to conquer all this and that is through Jesus Christ alone. But-- that alone is a lot easier said than done.
It all boils down to one thing with me: I AM A CONTROL FREAK. That's not saying it lightly. I seriously need help in that area. For as long as I can remember, I have continuously sought out others' approval. In high school, it was through sports, academics, clubs, and BOYS! I always had a boyfriend. I had to feel approved and loved by someone (or so I thought). Receiving ample amounts of attention was a reward to me.
To piggy back, that's when all my self-image issues began. I was never good enough for myself. I began purging, over-exercising and restricting food. It was a year long battle. Through truly devoted friends, I finally started to get better, or somewhat better.
Weight has always been engraved in the back of my mind. I'm not sure why since my mom never once made that an issue for herself or never once talked about herself being overweight or fat or anything. Self-image and how I perceive myself has also been glued into the back of my mind as well. I have either gained weight, didn't like the way I looked, tried hard to lose it, or have been on the opposite end where I just want to binge all the time. I just do not have self-control [at times]. Or I have too much self-control.
I ate and ate like my everyday food intake was a buffet when I was pregnant with my first child. My body transformed into a huge barn. That's not an exaggeration one single bit. I gained 61 ugly pounds. I felt disgusting all the time. However, I was just so excited to see my baby, that I tried not to focus on the inevitable.
Once I had my precious bundle of joy, Makenzie, I went on Weight Watchers and lost all my weight within 4-5 months. I did pretty good after that . Once I became pregnant with my second, only 11 months later, my outlook on that pregnancy and my body was completely different. Because I was going to be in two different weddings five months into my pregnancy, I knew I had to maintain my pre-pregnancy weight so I could fit into my size 4 dress for one of the weddings. Walking and ab workouts were a part of my daily routine on top of nannying. I was staying very busy and I know that helped. I also cut out all desserts until after those weddings were over with. I made it! I fit into that dress. 25 pounds this time--- that is all I gained the 2nd go around.
Talk about feeling much better about myself inside and out-- that pregnancy was a breeze, including the labor! Just happened to go to the doctor on a cool Monday morning, October 8th, two weeks before our little boy was due because of lots of pelvic pressure, and lo and behold, I was dilated to a 6 already! Yep, my doctor said, "it's time for you to go the hospital." I was thinking, "oh no, A.J.'s in school working on a final. I'll just wait till he comes home to tell him." So, I did just that.
We made it to the hospital that afternoon by 2:30ish and he was born by 5:30 after 3 quick little pushes. (I had to get my contractions going so they had to give me a little pitosin). That baby weight fell right off of me. Not even two months later and I was back in my pre-prego clothes.
Yet again, I gained 10 pounds right away after I quit nursing my little guy, Dominik. That's such a hard concept for me. I HATE gaining weight. It really messes with my mind. I try hard to control it constantly.
Food is my crutch. Or the lack of food is my crutch. ALWAYS. HAS. BEEN.
Third pregnancy begins a whole new chapter in my life. Bedrest! What!?!?!? I can't do that. Because then [I] can't be in control. I can't exercise. I have to find people to come clean my house, help with meals, help take care of my two small children. I am an anal person about how things get done. I want/prefer things to be done a certain way. I like my floor washed by hand. I want my beds made a certain way. I want the toilet paper on the toilet paper roll a certain way. I want food prepared a certain way. I have to eat my cereal the same way every time. (I'm not kidding about that). Perhaps I am OCD to a very slight degree or just am... a control freak. (That's hard to admit).
So, bedrest was... simply said, super difficult. I ended up in the hospital two different times because I could not follow my doctor's orders well at all. I had to be in control in some way or another.
Unfortunately, my control factor got the best of me- the day my 3rd baby was born. I decided, for some reason or another, to clean my house. I washed my floor (on my hands and knees), cleaned my bathroom, vacuumed and made lunch. I mean, hey, I was "nesting," right???
After putting the kids down for a nap, I started bleeding heavily. Why? Because I had to be in control. I decided, at that point, to take a shower and get cleaned up b/c I knew at that moment that I would more than likely have to be in the hospital until our baby arrived. There's nothing like your own shower!
Well- that day was bittersweet. Sweet because we welcomed a small baby girl into our family; bitter because she was born five weeks and 6 days early and had to be in the NICU for two weeks. Those were the longest two weeks of my life. There's not much harder than looking down at your child and seeing all kinds of wires, monitors, and oxygen hooked up to her. She was a fighter and surprised the nurses many times over. They actually thought she would need to be in there about a month. Yep, she surprised us all and made it out two weeks early.
I believe not being able to exercise made my c-section recover time longer for me. My body just would not kick back into action like before. The healing process was a bit longer as well. I was really down about that. But, after about four months, I had finally lost my weight again. Nursing always helped me shed those pounds faster as well.
I could typically eat whatever when I nursed and it didn't seem to affect my weight at all. So when I started training for my 5K, it came off even more. Then I quit nursing- and you know the rest... This is a battle. I will win. But NOT, I say, NOT, ON MY OWN.
I have learned a lot about myself through all this. When situations in life get hard to deal with and I get stressed, I either binge out of control or completely restrict my food intake. I control the situation one way or another. And- instead of being transparent about my struggles, I take them out in other ways on my husband. That in itself bothers me. It hurts me more and more every time. The pain is deep.
I can honestly say that I do not know where I would be without my husband. He has been my rock. He has held my hand. He has been my shoulder to cry on. He has wrapped his arms around me and told me that it will be ok. he has put up with a lot of crap. He has put up with me. For that- I feel like the worst wife ever, but at the same time am so grateful he is in my life.
Tomorrow is a new day. A new journey. A new beginning. A fresh start. A pick me up after a fall. I will survive this! I will... "press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus" Philippians 4:13.

Friday, February 25, 2011



This shall be an interesting contest between us. He already has a small advantage since he has been working out consistently for the last couple months. However, I have been in a slump and haven't worked out consistently since Thanksgiving! I have somehow had no motivation to do anything lately. So, this will be fun! I like incentives. I like having to work toward a goal. I just got done telling A.J. that I think I need to sign up for a 5K in May to get myself to start working out hard again.

I don't know why I go in these spurts. Why can't I just stay motivated on a daily basis? I have no clue. I have many many excuses why I don't go to the gym every day. It's too cold out. It's a hassle getting 3 kids in their boots, coats, take them potty before we leave, get them a snack, etc.. I am tired. And the list goes on.

It looks like I have a great incentive now. TO BEAT MY HUSBAND! I am a pretty competitive person when it comes to games or anything that would make me beat A.J. is good enough to try hard. I am excited for this venture and small life chapter! I am debating whether I should post pictures of the progress. I will wait to hear from you all.

It looks like I need to get to working out on my abs now! I bid you all ado!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Why I CARE what I am putting in MY body

"Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine, And Thy Medicine Be Thy Food." - Hippocrates

We have been making some major lifestyle changes and the biggest one would be that of our food intake. I am going to pose a question that I want you to contemplate while reading this. What are YOU putting in YOUR body? Now, I am sure that you have casually thought about that from time to time, but have you really considered what is going into your body?

I am going to share with you why I CARE what I am putting into MY body from now on!

I guess I can technically say that it's not my body, but rather God's. "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."
1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Have you stopped to ever fully think about that verse? I mean, I have heard that verse so many times but it never became real to me until of recent. How am I glorifying God in my body if I am not taking care of it? When I say "taking care of it," I am referring to: getting enough sleep, exercising, living a balanced lifestyle, and eating foods that are wholesome and nutritional.
When I think about this I am free. I can stop dwelling on and thinking about my body as my own. I can stop wondering what other people think about "my body," since it's not really my body. It's so easy to forget that I am a chosen person. I am special. I need to honor God in my body here on earth. Here's something to ponder. Would I feed my dog (if I had a dog) oreos, chips, cupcakes, cake, twizzlers, candy bars, candy, pop, lots of pizza, and not ever take him on walks? Absolutely not! I would feed him good, wholesome food and walk him daily because that's what we are supposed to do with our pets, right?

So, why is it so hard for us to stop and think about ourselves for a moment and what we are putting into our bodies? We would never feed our pets that kind of crap. Why do we do that to ourselves? I am so glad that I have that realization now. I am going to put into my body what is good for building me up nutritiously, exercise regularly, and try to maintain a somewhat stress-free lifestyle. I will say no to things if I know that I cannot handle it, if it comes before my family, or if it's just not good timing. I will commit to things that are encouraging to me, motivating to me, and wholesome friendships.

A.J. and I have changed that of our eating behavior. We are eating a more raw foods diet. Thus meaning, at least 50% of our foods are raw fruits and vegetables. There is a documentary that we just recently watched that I would encourage any and all of you to watch. It is called "Food Matters." It really rocked my world. There is also a blog from someone involved with "Food Matters" that I agree with that shares with you our decisions on eating lots of raw fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and drinking lots and lots of water. Her blog is this:

We are trying very hard to stay away from hydrogenated oils or partially hydrogenated oils and from ingredients that we don't understand what they mean. We are trying to stay away from processed food and boxed meals. Yes, I understand... you are thinking, "what about convenience?" I know. I was there once. But- NOT. ANYMORE.

Let me share with you a bit about hydrogenated oils from just a little research I have done. Hydrogenated oils are trans fats. They are like poison to your body. Your body cannot handle these fats very long. That is why we see so many diseases including type II diabetes, hyperinsulinemia, coronary heart disease, breast cancer, other types of cancers, autoimmune diseases, many food allergies, many other allergies, multiple sclerosis, and many, many more. Were you aware that soon after food companies started using this toxic oil, substantial increases in several different diseases started occurring all over the place? They also interfere with your very own bodies ability to ingest and use the good fats.

What's even worse is that most partially hydrogenated oil is partially hydrogenated soybean oil. That is not a good thing at all because soybean oil depresses the thyroid--which drastically decreases your energy level, makes you not want to exercise, and essentially makes fatter in the long run!

Unfortunately, the FDA has also renamed "partially hydrogenated oils or hydrogenated oils" to be mono- and di-glycerides. Also- most of the deep fried foods in fast food restaurants and most restaurants are fried in hydrogenated oils. Isn't that a scary fact? We cannot get away from them! What happened to the basics? What happened to taking a little more time in preparing our meals? Why is it all about convenience and fast food? No wonder Americans are so obese, childhood obesity is at its highest and that more and more the Medical profession is having to "name" diseases and allergies because of these "new illnesses."

Even if you do read labels, it could be useless. You just have to know what is in them. Unfortunately, the way the label law works, the product can still have a significant percentage of trans fat, and still claim "0%".

"Warning: Do not eat foods that contain partially hydrogenated and hydrogenated fats. These fats are found in all kinds of packaged and junk food. Food manufacturers really don't care about your health when they add hydrogenated oils to their foods.

Good clean vegetable oils are hydrogenated to create shortenings and margarines. Vegetable oils are partially hydrogenated so they can be added to many foods since they become a source of cheap fat and increase the shelf life of the food product.

What do hydrogenated oils do? When healthy oils are processed through bubbling hydrogen at temperatures up to 210 C, un-natural fatty acids are created that are called trans-fatty acids.

Your body is unable to use this un-natural fatty acids so the liver sees them as toxic waste and proceeds to detoxify and eliminate them. Trans-fatty acids are one of the most toxic wastes that can be inside your body. Trans fatty acids, also, can block your body's use of the essential fatty acids.

Hydrogenated oils also have all of their nutrients removed during their processing. This forces removal of vitamins and minerals from your body to help digest the stripped hydrogenated oil.

This is where you find hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils,

* 40% of all foods in a grocery store

* 95% of all cookies

* 75% of chips and crackers

* 70% of all cold cereals and cake mixes

* 80% of all frozen breakfast foods

* in most microwave popcorn

* in many salted peanuts and other nuts

* in most candies

* most restaurants that fry foods including donut shops shortenings

* and the list goes on and on "(1).

As I was saying earlier: there were many diseases that came about from this toxic poison. I am sure we have all heard of diabetes and how it definitely "runs in the family." Or, that's what we have all been told for the past however many years. Let's take a look at this next part on diabetes and the effects of hydrogenated oils in you. You may want to share this information with your loved ones and friends. It's horrific how toxic this oil is to you.

"During the late 1930's and early 1940's, a dramatic increase was seen in the following diseases. First was a disease that looked like diabetes, acted like diabetes, but was not caused by a deficiency of insulin. The medical profession was dumbfounded. All they knew was that a person produced enough insulin, but it was not effective in reducing sugar in the blood. They did not know what caused the insulin to be resistant. The medical establishment named this new disease non-insulin dependent diabetes, type II. The second and third diseases that increased dramatically were heart disease and cancer. This is the period also where new diseases which fell into the auto-immune classifications were being seen for the first time and named. The medical profession also did not know what was causing these new auto-immune diseases. They placed blame on the faulty genetics of the immune system. There is a correlation here. The increase of these new diseases began shortly after the introduction of hydrogenated oils in the food supply.

During 1973 to 1994, there was an increase of 364.3 various cancers to 462.0 various cancers per 100,000 population, a 22% increase. This information is available from the National Institutes of Health. More alarming is that from 1973 to 1992, an increase from 364.3 various cancers to 530.33 cancers per 100,000 population was seen. This was a 31% increase, an additional 9% increase from the previous years.

Heart disease is now claiming over 750,000 lives a year. The fusing of certain metals such as aluminum into the oils could very well be the reason why they are detecting high levels of aluminum in people. We all know about the link of aluminum to Alzehimers and cancer. We also know what lead poisoning does, especially to children. Non radioactive cobalt, the kind used as a catalyst in these oils is a component of vitamin B12. Some studies suggest that too much of this type of cobalt can cause cell destruction and nerve disorders. In addition, the fatty acids have been changed molecularly in which the body doesn't know how to properly metabolize them. Hypercholesteremia, ( high cholesterol or triglycerides) is a early warning sign that you will develop hyperinsulinemia. This disease produces too much insulin. The insulin is not effective in reducing sugar in the blood.

At the turn of the century, there were 2.8 diagnosed cases of diabetes and its' associated diseases. In 1949, this figure jumped to 16.4 per 100,00 population. This is a 585% increase in 50 years.

According to the National Center For Health Statistics

  • In 1985, there were 36,969 deaths caused by diabetes.

  • In 1995, there were 59,085 deaths caused from diabetes.

In ten years, this is 59.8 % increase, or roughly 6% per year. This increase of deaths caused from diabetes cannot be blamed on genetics. It can't be blamed because of people having bad genes. When you compare the substantial increases in the death rates today as to death rates before the introduction of hydrogenated oils in the food supply, anyone can very easily see the correlation. Nor does it have to do with newer diagnostic means or treatments of the disease. Deaths are deaths." (2).

That is what I have learned about hydrogenated oils. It is really saddening to think that the majority of the foods that I used to buy had this in it. Now, I have drastically made some changes in that area. But it is still hard. I am searching for a bread that is free of dairy and those oils. Talk about difficult. Looks like I am going to have to resort to making my own bread. I feel much better about that in the long run. I would rather know that every single ingredient in my bread or whatever I choose to make will provide me with as much nutrition as possible.

I believe America has become such a fast paced country that we always having to be going, going, going and doing, doing, doing. Can we not just "stop and smell the roses" for a mere moment? Can we not plan ahead? Can we learn to say no to things and start saying yes to priorities in our life? I mean, I think about my own life. For example, I make a menu for the month. I write down what I need for that week and purchase groceries off that list. I know what I am going to make so there is no question or doubt in my mind. I won't have to think, "let's just order take-out, go to the fast food restaurant, or order in a pizza." It's already right there in black ink on my calendar. It's about planning ahead.

Now you may be saying, "Planning ahead? I don't even have time to get 5 minutes in by myself. How can I plan ahead? How often do you watch T.V. during the week? How often do spend on Facebook? How often do you do activities that are useless or a waste of time? I am guilty!!!! I often tell myself that I don't have very much time and am too busy. All it takes is reorganizing my schedule and saying no to things. Saying no to Facebook because I need to play with my kids. Or saying no to the T.V. so I can spend time with my husband communicating with him. Or taking a little time to clean up. Those are all things I am guilty of. So, I do understand. Planning ahead is difficult, but so much easier in the long haul!

Now I understand that may be difficult for some families who are constantly on the go with their children in sports, plays, music, and etc.. But, again, plan ahead. If you want to make it easier for yourself. Plan a couple meals through the week that include slow cooker meals. Prep the night before and throw it in the following morning. Have your husband or children help you with cutting fruits and veggies after work/school. It teaches them to be responsible and is less work on you. (I know that may be hard for people like me who like things done a certain way, but hey, it's less stress on you).

Or, if you are one of those people who like to really plan ahead, try this out. After purchasing your groceries, come home and prep all your fruits, veggies and anything else that can be in the fridge cut up and ready for the week. If your veggies need diced, cut, julienned a certain way for your meals that way, do it ahead of time. Think how much easier that could be on your busy week.

Now, onto drinking water!!!! Water gets overlooked so many times because people just don't "like" it or it's too plain. As a society, we have become accustomed to having to have so much flavor in things and we have lost the sense for real wholesome, healthy basic foods and drinks. Water can do wonders to your body. I have always been a big water drinker so this wasn't very hard for me. However, what was difficult was getting up in the morning and drinking three 13oz. glassfuls of water before I have eaten a single thing. That's difficult. But I am doing it! Talking about washing my system clean before indulging in my nutritious breakfast. It is a great way to clear your body of any toxins too.

"Water acts as a healing tool for people who suffer from kidney stones. It helps dissolving calcium in the urine. So if you have at least eight glasses of water on a daily basis, then you are automatically reducing the risk of stone formation. Another health benefit of drinking water is that this prevents urinary tract infections in both men and women via flushing out the impurities from the system.

If your body gets dehydrated there are chances that viral disease may infect body. Water can also reduce frequent attacks of colds and other common illnesses on the body. Cancer patients are said to recover more quickly via drinking more water on daily basis.

Keeping your body hydrated will help flushing out the drainage from allergies and colds that usually stick to throat and lungs. This makes cough more productive. Lips often suffer from cold sores. This is reduced if you drink adequate amount of water.

(I cannot even begin to tell you the ungodly amount of colds my children have gotten this winter season. It is ridiculous. I should have kept a tally going. The best part of it all though. I haven't had a single cold in over a year. Now there were 2 different times when I thought I was coming down with one, but I kept on drinking lots and lots of water, hot tea, and taking lots of Vitamin C. Guess what, I never got one! You would think that me being around colds as much as I have this year, I would have gotten at least one. Nope. Sure didn't! I know it is because of all the water I am drinking and just taking better care of myself.).

What most people fail to understand is that lack of water in their body results in dehydration and also results in many hurdles for the process of blood circulations. These problems are not the only ones that results due to less drinking water. This also causes the brain to be less active than usual and makes the body feel tired more than usual.

Usually, water acts as a natural remedy to achieve a super glowing skin. Most people are ignorant of the skin benefits of drinking water. Since, water flushes out the toxins and waste from the body, acts as a body purifier.

(I have definitely noticed my skin much clearer than normal. I have always dealt with imperfections, so to speak. So that is a great thing)!

If you are worried of your body weight, then you should ardently focus on drinking water. Hot lemon water will help losing weight faster. It also facilitates in keeping your heart healthy. Hence, it is very necessary to drink lots of water and other fluids throughout the day. This will enhance your mind and body fitness.

I have to throw this out there: I have always been very self-conscious about my self-image. You know what is amazing? After changing our diet: I have rarely felt insecure about the way I look. I know that has a lot to do with God helping me in that area but I also know that it is because I am doing everything I can to eat healthier, take care of myself, and drink lots and lots of water!

Experts rate water as the second oxygen to the body. It is impossible for a person to survive more days without water. It is found in abundance on earth and even inside our body. You would be surprised to know that about 60-70 percent of body weight consists of water and it is extremely necessary for performing daily functions.

As an adult, you should drink about more than eight glasses of water each day. If you are in to a good amount of physical activity, you need to drink more of water to meet your body requirements. Remember that you tend to lose a good amount of 2.5 liters of water each day via urination, bowel movements and perspiration. You need to make up for this loss. Try to take regular water breaks." (4).

You want to know one major side effect that I have found from changing my eating and drinking habits? I have so much more energy. I don't feel bogged down by all those additives and other crap in the pre-packaged and boxed food. I feel healthy and full of life. Who wouldn't want to feel that way? I mean, if you are the type of person who is constantly feeling sluggish (ask my husband- he often felt that way), than try this. Try eating healthy, organic fruits and veggies and drinking lots of water. And, yes, this does include taking pop, coffee, and other bottled juices out of your diet. Now, if you own a juicer and can make your own juices- great! I am actually looking into purchasing one. So, if any of you have one that you really like and would like to recommend, I would love to know.

My husband, A.J. would be the first to tell you how great he feels now. He often has stomach issues, (IBS), and this different lifestyle is really helping him out too. He has so much more energy at the end of the day. It is so wonderful to see him more rejuvenated as well. It gives me a boost of adrenaline just seeing him more energized.

Well, I think that is all I have to say about food today. I am sure that I will have much more to add on another time. I think one of my next blogs will be about Vitamins and their effects on your body!!!! I would be very interested in hearing your thoughts about this as well. And, if you have any questions, I would be more than happy to answer them to the best of my abilities.






Friday, January 28, 2011


Today I was thinking of my parents- I mean I always think about my parents, but today I was especially thinking about them. What makes them tick, why they are the way they are, why they disciplined my brother and me the way they did, why they are so stubborn sometimes, why they are so different sometimes, why they are so unique in their own individual way, and why they wanted my brother and me to know Christ growing up.

First off, I will start off with how different they are. Dad loves his mornings, I would say. Growing up, he always got up early, went to the coffee shop before we got up (probably because he knew that was his only time of sanity without anyone around). Dad is a goal oriented person. Very organized. Very driven. Firm. Thoughtful. Analytical. Man of few words (until something needed to be said). Said what he meant and meant what he said. Hard worker. Responsible. Great teacher. Sacrificer. Reader (dad always read to us and still reads to the grandkids all the time).

Before Dad had his back surgery in 93', he was the one that taught me how to do a cartwheel. He was the one that would climb in the tree with Trevor and I. He was the one that taught me how to throw a football and baseball and how to play basketball. He even played some volleyball too. He enjoyed staying active. But, after his surgery, he was forbidden to do lots of those things. We were sad but fully understood. Don't get me wrong... Dad didn't always follow the doctor's orders- and still doesn't! :) But Dad is ALWAYS a go-getter. If there is something that needs to get done, he will get it done by all means.

Dad would stay up late with me to work on scholarships- even if that meant he had to stay up till 1 in the morning and still get up at 5:00 or 5:30 the next day. He sacrificed his time and sleep to help me out. He showed me what it meant to really care and truly love me so much through that. Dad was always one to stay up with us and help us with whatever homework no matter how tired he was. I do not ever remember Dad ever once complaining about how tired he may have been or how sore he may be. He never complained once! (I wish I would have learned that a little better).

Mom- she is a go-getter as well. There was always something to be done in the house. Whether it be cleaning, cooking, laundry, helping another family member out, helping Dad in the field or with the cows, cleaning houses, working or whatever it may be... she was never idle. Mom was a hard worker. Firm- but you knew she meant it if she was firm. Expressive. Vocal. Compassionate. Merciful. Queasy (when she saw any type of blood- when I busted my head open working out in high school, she almost passed out). Full of life and vigor.

Mom was the type of person that if there needed to be a fundraiser for my volleyball team, she coordinate it. She loved being in charge and was very very good at it. She is also pretty stubborn at times. When she broke her arm, she still about her daily routine (with a cast on). I remember Trevor needing a hair cut and she tried to cut it but then had to teach me how to cut hair at that point. :)

Over the years, I have developed more and more of a love for them. I am quite sure of the reason why: because I am a mother of my own now with three small children and have learned that being a parent is not easy. Now... who ever said it was??? I don't know. Perhaps I had this dumb thing in the back of my head that it wouldn't be that hard long before I ever was pregnant. Or, perhaps it was because I thought my parents were way too hard on me growing up. Unbeknownst to me at the time, they were only disciplining me because they loved me and wanted what was best for me. They wanted me to grow up loving the Lord Jesus Christ and having a personal relationship with Him.

Of course, why wouldn't have I realized that when I was a teenager? Ha ha ha. I have learned a lot from them though. I have learned that patience is hard to be consistent with (thank you Dad and Mom for having lots of patience with me). Thank you both for being consistent in your discipline. Thank you for loving me through and through. I have learned that there will inevitably be valley's in life and that with the help of others and strong parents, you can make it.

Growing up taught me a lot of lessons. Hard work is something to always strive for. When you have started a project, finish it right away. Mom, I cannot thank you enough for teaching me how to clean, do laundry and cook from a young age. Thank you for teaching me responsibilities that, I believe, all too many young adults do not have a clue how to do. Dad, thank you for the sacrifices you made to help me on the route to higher education. Thank you for enforcing good education upon me.

Thank you for the example of what great godly parents should be. Now of course, I didn't see that till I was a parent of my own, but thank you so much. Dad and Mom were strict parents but they had a reason behind it. I hope and pray that I will be half as good as a parent as they were to me. They endured a lot of CRAP from me as a teenager. I don't have a clue how they didn't lose their minds sometimes. But I am grateful for all they did.

Overall, Dad and Mom are full of compassion and know what it truly means to make sacrifices in life. They taught me that money does not buy you happiness and to be responsible with the money you do have. Dad even sat down with A.J. and I before we were married and helped us write up a budget. Dad's always thinking realistically. They have made so many trips back and forth to Omaha from Missouri to help out with our baby's being born and when I was on bed rest and when Layla was in the NICU. If that isn't an example of true sacrifice and love, I don't know what is.

Their love for each other was often evident. When Dad would come home from work, Mom would always go up to him and give him a big hug and kiss. I appreciated that and still do. I remember a few times when Dad would get mom a dozen roses... not often but when he did it was very, very special. He always got Mom a card for her birthday and their anniversary. I love the way they look at each other in their eyes. They are special. They always will be.

Parenting is not easy, as I stated previously. They did their very best and I am grateful to still have a close relationship with them. I hope that over the years, I will appreciate and love them even more. I am sure that my parents often thought of the Bible verse:

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:5-7

When I feel that I am failing as a parent or feel frustrated and distraught, I refocus and think about my parents and all they endured. They made it and so can I, but most of all, with the help of my Jesus!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Changing Mommy and Wife

Are you satisfied with where you are now?

What a good question to start out with. I would honestly hope and pray that most of you would say that you are not satisfied. I mean, if you are satisfied, are you completely content with where you are? Or why are you satisfied?

I hope I never become completely satisfied and content with where I am in life. Simply put, that would just mean that I would be okay living a mundane life and not seeking more. Not seeking to become a better wife, a better mother, a better daughter, a better friend, not desiring a deeper and closer relationship with my Lord and Saviour.

I have really been contemplating these questions a lot lately. I truly desire to change. I am and continually am trying to become a more compassionate wife. I must confess that that is one of my biggest downfalls in life. I am just not a very merciful and graceful wife and mother. I want to change that drastically. I want to come to my husbands side when he is not feeling well and sit down and pray with him and serve him till he is better.

Wouldn't Jesus do that? I am far from that point but I honestly desire that. I want to snuggle with my children more and show them so much more love and affection when they have fallen down or gotten a "boo-boo." I want to parent my children the way Jesus "parents" us. He cherishes us and desires us and is gentle with us.

'But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, "Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.' Mark 10:13-15

I have recently been considering a new way of disciplining our children. I have to be brutally honest. Being transparent isn't always the easiest but I feel that for whomever reads this: perhaps it will, in some way or another, allow you to learn from my mistakes.

Losing my temper and patience with my three precious children is something that I have done way more than I would like to have done. It's so hard to be consistent in disciplining when you are just plain exhausted. When your three year old wakes up in the middle of the night at least once and you do not do well functioning like that... it makes it hard. I am at least exercising to give me some more sanity and energy (but that's a whole other store).

Obedience is something Makenzie, my almost 5 year old, has a rough time with. Perhaps it's because we have tried several different ways of disciplining her. Since she's the oldest, she's the guinea pig. Or perhaps it's just the verbiage and the tone we use with her. I am just beside myself sometimes b/c we cannot get her to listen to us. We have to ask her 5 times sometimes to do one thing. She is a hard-headed little girl but is so full of life and energy. She will be a leader someday! She embraces affection so much.

Because I have to ask her several times to do things, I am at my wit's end with her. Thus, resorting to screaming: "MAKENZIE, I HAVE TOLD YOU AT LEAST 5 TIMES TO COME HERE AND I MEAN IT!!! IF YOU DON'T COME HERE BY THE COUNT OF 3, YOU WILL BE GETTING YOUR BOTTOM SPANKED!!" I am tired of this. Beyond tired! I want to change badly. I really need to tame my patience. But I know that I cannot do this on my own. So easily I resort to my own control but this time, I know that it will have to be with other's accountability and most of all, God.

If you, yes, you who are reading this has any advice on disobedience of a child and having them obey better or just listening to what you ask them to do the first time... would you mind sharing a bit with me? Thanks a ton.

I hope and pray that by this time next year I will be able to declare that I have changed and am much better for it. I pray that I will be able to say that my patience for the children has magnified and that I am so much more compassionate. Will you hold me accountable? Will you send me a message from time to time asking me how I am doing?

There is always more to life when you desire to be more, to serve more, to give more, to simply not be content and satisfied, to live out of the love that our Jesus has given us.

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God." Mark 10:26-28

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Appointments with God

What are your thoughts consumed by?
Do you go through your day daydreaming and before you know it, the days has already passed you by?
Do you wish, as the day is over, that you would have spent just a little time, even if just 5 minutes, with Jesus?

There is really no reason that we need to dwell on the lost time. I have come to the realization that this is just a season of my life that I am going through. There will be many other seasons but this one in particular is busy. There are late nights, several woken up times throughout the night, early mornings, noses to wipe, snack times, many meals to prepare, many dishes to clean up, faces to wash, hands to wash, several baths to give, (good if I get a shower of my own in), and if I get 15 minutes of my own time... I am probably taking a shower, taking a nap, or just resting.

So, just because I have not read the Bible that day, prayed a solid prayer, or done a devotional does not mean that I am lacking in some way or another, "God time."

I struggled for the past few years beating myself up inside because I never felt like I was a godly enough woman or that I was never making enough time for God. I finally came to the realization that God loves me where I am. I am more than enough for Him. He loves my shortcomings, my brokenness, my flaws. He takes me as I am. And- I am ok with that.

You know what the best thing is? I can talk to Him throughout the entire day! I do not have to set aside time for Him. I can tell Him my thoughts, my fears, my praises and much more whenever I want. We do not have to set up an appointment with God. He is All-powerful, Omnipotent, All-knowing, Always there!

I am so grateful for my new found revelation!